Even in New England and among the strictest religious groups, children and adults played games of skill and chance, backgammon, chess, hopscotch, I Spy, to name a few. Their sports–running, riding, lifting and throwing, wood cutting, bowling, swimming, and climbing–strengthened the body, increased endurance, and developed useful skills.
As students play 18th century sports or games, they learn about the importance of the rules and spirit of the game, good sportsmanship and respectful behavior toward all, exhilaration of physical exertion, and the satisfaction of developing skills.

Students create and develop an 18th Century persona.
They speak and write in the language of the time.

They live according to a code based on self-respect, respect for others, and self-control.
They wrestle with serious issues and societal inequalities in historical context.

They master methods of reasoning to make decisions, solve problems, and debate elements of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.

They study the actions of people of the time from all walks of life to discern character traits they admire and discover role models.
…it is the General himself who breaks all his own horses, and is a very excellent and bold horseman, leaping the high fences, and going extremely quick without standing upon his stirrups, bearing on the bridle, or letting his horse run wild.”

The Dawes-Revere Relay
Paul Revere was asked to take news to Lexington that British troops were on the march. But did you know that two other people were on this famous ride and that only one of the three crossed the finish line?
This story is the basis for a favorite game, unique to Why America Is Free, the Dawes-Revere Relay. The game involves memory, secrecy, speed, jeopardy, and accuracy. With two Patriot networks, a verbal message to pass at speed, and the threat of opposing forces, it brings home the genius and jeopardy of the Patriot communication network.